Classification and Assessment of Psychopathology Symptoms (CAPS) Lab
Our work aims to improve the conceptualization and classification of symptoms & diagnoses through the exploration of 4 core issues:
Diagnostic Classification
How do disorders relate to one another?
Transdiagnostic Risk Factors
Why do disorders relate to each other?
How do we create and improve tools of measurement?
How can we use our results to improve mental health assessment & treatment for all?
Research Projects
Current and future CAPS Lab research projects
Associations between incompleteness and disgust domains
transdiagnostic risk factors
Incompleteness and disgust are predictors of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms. Little is known about the specific association between these two predictors. In this study, we are examining the associations between specific disgust domains and feelings of incompleteness, to inform a future study on their relations to OCD-related disorders.
Disgust, incompleteness, and the OCRDs
diagnostic classification; transdiagnostic risk factors
Informed by the results of our pilot study (above), this study will examine the interactive effects of disgust and incompleteness on symptoms of the obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs). Results will contribute to our understanding of whether the OCRDs have shared vs. distinct risk factors.
Harm avoidance, incompleteness, and the OCRDs
diagnostic classification; transdiagnostic risk factors
Harm avoidance (avoiding potential harm) and incompleteness (needing things to feel "just right") are known predictors of OCD. In this study, we are examining whether the other OCRDs (hoarding, body dysmorphic disorder, hair pulling, skin picking) share either of these risk factors with OCD.
Perfectionism and the OCRDs
diagnostic classification; transdiagnostic risk factors
In this study, we will be examining the empirical associations between several different dimensions of perfectionism and symptoms of the OCRDs. We will be partnering with collaborators at the Neuropsychometrics Research Group at Louisiana State University.
OCRDs in structural models of psychopathology
assessment; classification; transdiagnostic risk factors
Building on our recent work in looking at how the OCRDs fit in models involving other forms of psychopathology, we will be conducting a detailed assessment of psychopathology structure that focuses on the OCRDs in relation to a range of other types of symptoms. We will be recruiting individuals who currently have a mental health disorder diagnosis.
Development of clinical cutoff scores
Reliable and valid assessment tools are essential to conducting high-quality research and for helping clinicians to identify patients in need. We will be conducting a large-scale study to establish clinical cutoff scores a widely-used measure of psychopathology to increase their clinical utility. We will be recruiting student participants, community participants, and individuals who currently have a mental health disorder diagnosis
Measure development
assessment; transdiagnostic risk factors
We are involved with several measure development projects with collaborators at the Neuropsychometrics Research Group at Louisiana State University and at the UNL Family Development Lab.
Work with Us!
Participate. Collaborate. Contribute.
Participate in Research!
Contribute to the scientific process by taking part in our studies! Click on the button below to fill out a short survey about yourself and we will be in contact if you are a match for one of our studies.
Collaborate with the CAPS Lab!
Does your organization or clinic provide mental health services to clients? We are looking to increase our partnerships with mental health providers to open our research to interested clients. We will work with you on all aspects of study recruitment and will provide a personalized psychoeducation session for your staff or clients in return. If you are interested, email Dr. Sara O'Brien (sobrien3 @ carthage dot edu) for more information.
Become a Research Assistant!
If you are interested in gaining research experience mentorship, contributing to science, and publishing your work, consider joining the CAPS lab as a research assistant. If you are interested, email Dr. Sara O'Brien (sobrien3 @ carthage dot edu) for an application.
Lab Members
The CAPS lab is dedicated to completing, publishing and presenting cutting edge research on the classification, assessment, and identification of risk factors for anxiety and related disorders while celebrating our achievements and supporting each other. We aim to learn from and involve the mental health community in our research in order to enhance our collective understanding of psychological disorder symptoms and to provide support and access to current psychological science to our community partners.
Current Lab Members
Shawn Lam '23 (Knox College)
Shawn is a Psychology major, minoring in Biology and Philosophy.
Lab Alumni
Thu Nguyen '23
Myrissa Le '23
Jonathan Schneider '22
Zeina Sbai, Graduate Student
Antonio Ramirez '22
Becca Gadiel '22
Beck McAtee '22
Myiah Ryner '21, Child Welfare Specialist/Caseworker
Karina Khanna '21, Clinical Research Assistant (Boston Children's Hospital)
Nafisa Rahman '21
Irein Thomas '20, Graduate Student
Meghan Gaynor '19
Ananda Badili '19
Avantika Gupta '19, Doctoral Student
Madeline Lag '18, M.A., Research Study Coordinator
Carly Miller '18, Graduate Student
Emma Downing '17, RN
Rickie Metcalf '17
Theresa (Birzer) Graf '17
Jeremy Schmidt '17, M.A., Counselor
Jax Witzig '15, M.A., Research Specialist